Monday, December 27, 2010

Honey bear Memphis

Cwismas time!!

Memphis' first Christmas was wonderful! Christmas eve was church and lots of family time. Auntie Danielle came over and spent the night. So, she shared in Memphis' bedtime...lots of pics, videos and the reading of The Night Before Christmas (thanks to Nana). Mrs. Clause brought Memphy the cutest pair of first Christmas pj's..(Thanks Gunner!) Then off to bed!
 He got up at 4 Christmas morning..we said it was the spirit of Christmas:) So needless to say he spent a lot of Christmas day sleeeping! Memphis got lots of sensory toys, which he loves. He was so overwhelmed on Christmas morning (mommy went a lil overboard) so we spread them out throughout the day:) He got spoiled by Grammy and Papa d, Nana, Aunt Marcia, Aunt Robin, Uncle Ed, Aunt Kim, his cousins, and mommy and daddy's friends. Thanks everyone so much for thinking of our little man. 
Grammy, Papa d, and David came over at 1 and we played wii, opened presents and ate lots of good food! Before the night was over we skyped with Dedan..We hadn't seen him since Sept. so that was much needed! He got to see just how big Mencer is now:) Then to top the night off we got SNOW! A good couple inches:) Our first white Christmas in NC! 
Oh! and never mind the Michael J mask on Grammy..she was feeling blue and didn't want to pass any germs on to Memphis:) 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas baking!

Getting into the holiday spirit with some baking! We found the best cookie recipes! Grammie, Aunt Danielle and Alison helped Mommy bake some amazing cookies. (To give away of course;) )