Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

I've learned to wiggle and kick

What a healthy, happy baby boy

Me n my wubbanub! I can almost hold onto my paci!

Is it even possible to make a cuter face??

Ok, just one more... I can't even take it!

Alright...So it's been a month!

Well, I will give u a little summary of Septemeber. Out of the blue Memphis decided that he was going to start smiling and start to tell us lots of stories...

Then he decided to grow a couple of inches and a couple of pounds...and mommie knows that all too well (I have a Memphis size imprint on my front side:)). He is a 12 pound sack of potatoes!

One of my favorite position

So mommie can actually get things done!